Terms and Conditions
Each attendee or Holder of a Ticket to Joystick Gaming and Collectible's event, Smoky Mountain Fan Fest, (each as defined below) agrees to the following terms and conditions:
Assumption of Risk
In consideration for being admitted into Joystick Gaming and Collectible's ("JGC") 2021 Smoky Mountain Fan Fest ("SMFF"), each ticket holder or other authorized means of entry to SMFF assumes all risk incidental to participation in all activities, loss or damage to property at SMFF.
Release and Authorization
Ticket holder hereby: (1) releases Joystick Gaming and Collectibles ("JGC") and Gatlinburg Convention Center, any of their respective affiliates, employees, and agents, in its sole discretion, from any and all liability for loss or damage to persons or property, infringement of any right, or any other claims or courses of action of any kind arising from or relating to ticket holder's attendance of, and/or participation in, JGC's SMFF; (2) authorizes and permits JGC and its designees, which include but are not limited to all sponsors, exhibitors and contractors, the use of his/her name, voice, likeness and all reproductions thereof by any means and in all media now and hereafter known for any and all purposes worldwide in perpetuity; (3) agrees to comply with all rules and regulations of JGC; (4) authorizes and permits JGC to share ticket holder's personal information, including but not limited to contact information, with such exhibitors, vendors, companies, and entities with which ticket holder scans their Badge at JGC's SMFF or otherwise utilizes the on-site or web-enabled technologies, including but not limited to on-site Wi-Fi, on-site interactive kiosks, wearable beacon technology and/or RFID technology, and any mobile applications associated with JGC's SMFF (the "Digital Technologies"); and (5) acknowledges and agrees that JGC and Gatlinburg Convention Center are not responsible for lost or stolen tickets, badges, or personal property.
By use of a valid registration code, promotional code, discount code, coupon, or other code in connection with ticket holder's registration for JGC's SMFF, holder thereby authorizes and permits JGC to share ticket holder's personal information, including but not limited to contact information, with such companies, organizations, and entities associated with such code.
No Disruptive Behavior
JGC and Gatlinburg Convention Center reserve the right to deny entry or remove from JGC's SMFF any person who in their sole and absolute discretion is behaving or threatening to behave in a manner which JGC and Gatlinburg Convention Center reasonably consider to be disruptive.
No Resale of Tickets Permitted
The unauthorized resale of a ticket, attempted resale of a ticket, or unauthorized transfer of a ticket to a third-party are strictly prohibited and will constitute a forfeiture of the ticket without compensation. Each ticket may only be used by the same ticket holder for each day of JGC's SMFF. JGC SMFF's operating hours, schedules, vendors and speakers are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Each ticket is a revocable license to attend JGC's SMFF.
All panels, autographing, photo ops, performances, show features and special events are subject to availability and access is not guaranteed and/or may require an additional fee and/or will only be available to designated type of ticket.
Ticket holder acknowledges that there are hazards and risks of physical injury or illness to attendees of JGC's SMFF and that not all such hazards or risks can be fully eliminated. By accepting this ticket and attending SMFF, ticket holder freely and voluntarily agrees to assume the full risk of bodily injury or property damage, regardless of severity, or death that ticket holder may sustain as a result of attending JGC's SMFF, whether or not caused by the negligence or gross negligence of JGC, SMFF or Gatlinburg Convention Center.
Individuals under 18
All attendees age 5 or under do not need a ticket in order to enter JGC's SMFF. All attendees ages 6 or older need a ticket in order to enter JGC's SMFF. Please note, JGC recommends that all individuals under the age of 18 attend with a parent or legal guardian. All individuals under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times at JGC's SMFF.
Individuals under the age of 18 must obtain the permission of a parent or legal guardian before sending any information to JGC, entering any sweepstakes or contests at JGC's SMFF, posting any information on or related websites, or purchasing any goods online related to JGC's SMFF. The submission of information to JGC's SMFF or the purchase and/or use of a ticket to JGC's SMFF is a representation and confirmation that you are age 18 or over or have obtained the consent of a parent or legal guardian. If you are the parent or legal guardian of a SMFF attendee that is under the age of 18, it is your responsibility to check the suitability of JGC's SMFF for any individuals in your party regardless of official age restrictions.
Cancellation Policy
Registration Fees for JGC's SMFF are non-refundable and non-transferable and cannot be reproduced, resold or upgraded. JGC and Gatlinburg Convention Center reserve the right to cancel SMFF on limited or no notice, and in the event of such cancellation, ticket holder will not be entitled to a refund for any and all expenses associated with registration.
Visual/Audio/Image Release
In exchange for the opportunity to register and attend JGC's SMFF, I hereby grant to JGC, its employees, agents, and assignees, the absolute and irrevocable right and permission to photograph, film, reproduce, portray and/or otherwise exploit my name, voice, appearance, photograph, image and/or likeness (collectively, "Likeness") of me at Show, and to use the results and proceeds, without limitation, in materials produced by JGC's SMFF in any and all media, in perpetuity. I hereby waive any claim to compensation for use of such Likeness. I agree that JGC owns the images and all rights related to them. The images may be used by JGC in any manner or media without notifying me, such as JGC's SMFF website, publications, promotions, broadcasts, advertisements, and posters, for advertising or other related purposes. I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished images or any printed or electronic matter that may be used with them.
I release JGC,SMFF and its employees, agents, and assignees, including any firm authorized to publish and/or distribute a finished product containing material produced by JGC's SMFF, from any claims, causes of action, damages or liability which I may ever have in connection with the use of or relating to my Likeness. I hereby waive any moral rights or "droits moral" I may have in the material produced by JGC's SMFF and/or my Likeness.
I warrant that I am at least 18 years of age and that I have the right and authority to agree to the terms of this appearance release. I have read this release in full before agreeing to its terms. I understand its content, and I freely accept the terms.
To the extent that I am the parent or guardian of a minor or minors who will be attending JGC's SMFF with me, I hereby expressly approve and consent to this Visual/Audio/Image Release and waive all obligations and rights which I may have in connection therewith. For good and valuable consideration, I hereby guarantee that the minor or minors shall not at any time disaffirm the Visual/Audio/Image Release by reason of the minor's or minors' minority or otherwise and hereby agree to indemnify JGC from any loss arising from any claims made by or on behalf of the minors relating to this Visual/Audio/Image Release.
Anti-Harassment Policy
JGC has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for harassment of any kind. If a person engages in harassing behavior, JGC's SMFF staff will take prompt action in any form they deem appropriate in their sole discretion, including expulsion from SMFF with no refund or compensation. This policy applies to EVERYONE at SMFF. Exhibitors, attendees, speakers, guests, professionals, press, staff, volunteers and security are all subject to the Anti-Harassment Policy. By using a ticket and attending SMFF, ticket holder acknowledges and agrees that ticket holder has read and agrees to JGC's SMFF Anti-Harassment Policy.
I have read, understand and agree to terms and conditions stated herein and agree that these terms shall be construed by and governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Tennessee and that, with respect to any dispute arising from these terms, sole and exclusive jurisdiction and venue shall lie with the state and federal courts located in Sevier County, Tennessee.